Saturday, January 22, 2011

new path, new hope

my next path.
what should I choose?
I can't afford to make
even a single tiny mistake
God, help me.

make up your mind, Nadia!

as for that, I not settling the UPU form phase 2 yet.

awh, medic is a no-no for me.
so do law, accountancy.


Zharif Jasni said...


nadi said...

engineer; akan dipertimbangkan :)
pilot; hell, no!
pharmacist; not bad XD
veterinar; ntah le
merchant; part-time boleh kot
teacher; byk keje ahh
lecture; jwpan sama spt di atas
driver; lesen pon tarak
housewife; hari2 aku dah jadi
bibik; ulang jawapan tadi

terima kasih utk cadangan bernas anda (",)