Friday, March 25, 2011

the result is out, for sure!

Last year, I was one of the SPM candidates and we, yeah, all of us have been waiting for three months, exactly! See, we started our examination on 23rd of November and we got our result on 23rd of March 2011. Nice, isn't it?

So, here we go, on how I felt to get my 'baby' after studying in high school for five years.

  • A month before : I felt nothing. We didn't even know the date yet.
  • A week before : Some of my friends started to have butterflies in their stomach. I was excluded

  • A day before : I don't feel anything yet. What's wrong with me?
  • A night before : Ah, finally I could feel the itchiness in my bones.

  • The day of truth : Whoa, a bomb's going to explode in my chest!

Then, I went to the school and we had to wait from 11.00a.m until 12.30p.m just to receive our result. It was quite bored waiting in the freezing cold hall and I was going to sleep as usual if and only if there were no parents there. Haha. I could see the worried faces around me, yeah, since we're already late for about one and a half hour. Such a waste of time.

Then, bonda came. Oh man.... you know what's next. Her speech and the moment of truth!

" Tiada pelajar kita yang dapat 9A+ pada tahun ini. Sedikit mengecewakan tetapi kita ada 2 orang yang dapat 8A+"

I was stunned at my seat. I didn't manage to get straight A+. So, how many A+ am I going to get?

The counselor read out the name for the two students. Too bad that my name wasn't in the 8A+ list.

Move on to the third person and it was me! Wow! 7A+! Same as Chupp!! I hugged my family members and walked to the stage.

On the stage:

" Eh, result you ni. 8A+ kan? Cuba kira "

I counted

" Ha'ah. 8 "


Principal told the PK1 to inform the MC that I was the third student to get 8A+. Alhamdulillah :)

Shhheeesshhh. Sogan den bordiri lamo2 ateh pontas tu.

Then the reporters called the three of us for photography session and some interviewing as usual. I mean, the usual thing that you can imagine after the big examination result was announced.

Yeahh, that's us in Utusan Malaysia - KL edition :) I am the left one.

I am taking this once in a blue moon moment to congratulate those who get even one A- in their SPM. It doesn't matter as the world is not going to an end when SPM's over, am I right ?

Thanks for the support, I appreciate it, a lot :)

p/s: thank you to my lil sister, Sarah for always writing
a lot about me in her blog. Hahaha. Puas hati?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

birthday girls!

ohkay. It's already a few post I wrote about birthday and today I AM going to write another one.

it's 19th of March and yes, it is my darling's birthday.


Ms. Lee June Hwee
Happy 18 babe,
have a blast


all the best for your SPM result :)

and also to my younger sister who celebrated her sweet 17th birthday yesterday.
good luck for SPM, this year.

thank you for the free call(s).
I was satisfied that I could talk to my friends
and that one friend I never talked to on phone

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

jom heboh ?

Hai. Hello. Akhirnya Cik Nadia kembali menulis. Maaf kerana lama tidak mengemas kini blog ini. Balik kampung la, cuti sekolah kan ;X Jadi, dari mana patut kita bermula?

Setelah beberapa bulan tidak menjejakkan kaki ke bumi Johor, tanah tumpah darahku, akhirnya, berjaya juga menjunjung langit dan berpijak pada negeri yang dikenali sebagai Ujong Tanah suatu ketika dahulu. Perasaan itu tak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Johor makin maju, tak tipuuuuuuuuuuu..........

dan tiba-tiba, muncul idea daripada Pak Lang,


oh whatt??


Maka, untuk kali pertama pergi Jom Heboh. Kaki ini tetap melangkah walaupun hati tak rela. Tak suka sebab sesak, oops, TERlalu sesak dengan orang, dah la hari panas terik.

[Nah, tengok ni. Tu pak cik, sepupu semua ada.]

Aww, kes ini berbeza dengan HKSBP okay. Itu lain. Ini lain.

Dan ada member cakap,

" whoa, tak pergi yang kat Kuala Terengganu, tapi pergi kat Johor".

Hello, i/c aku kat tengah2 bernombor 01 !!

Apa yang best kat Jom Heboh?

Jumpa artis?

Aku tak nampak mana seronoknya. Sama je. Dia manusia gak, ada mulut, hidung, cukup sifat.

Jualan murah?

oh, absolutely. Bukan jualan murah, tapi harga rendah.

Orang perempuan memang macam tu, bab shopping je dia suka.

oh, salah2. Suka sebab makanan dengan air dia jual murah. Biskut butter tu kat kedai harga RM17, pg sana dapat 2 tin RM20. Air Bliss Dutch Lady kalau hari2 biasa 14 kali fikir nak beli ke tak. Ni 2 botol besar, 1 botol kecik + beg = RM10. Puas hatiiii ohhhh.

[suka hati je beli macam2]

Tapi lepas ni tak nak dah pergi Jom Heboh.

Itulah kisah budak perempuan yang pertama kali pergi Jom Heboh. Haha.

dan untuk berkongsi kegembiraan, saya dah berjaya mendapatkan lesen P.

Syukur alhamdulillah :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

happy birthday awek

8 Mac, yeah tepat sekali. Hari ni hari jadi kawan saya dan kembaqnya. Akhirnya, dah cukup 18 tahun pon mereka ni.



saya tak pernah ketemu si adik, eh, pernah tapi dia tak perasan saya sebab tengah sembang dengan kakak dia kan :) have fun in LA bro!


yeahhh, mereka kembar lelaki-perempuan. maafkan saya sebab tak bagitahu awal2.

tapi saya taw la budak dua orang ni so sweet sangat,

kakak dia, oh, cun gila. cepat, sesiapa ada abang yang masih single, ini boleh buat calon bini. weee~ tak sabar merasa nasi minyak dia<3 nak tengok gambar? here you go!

yeah, itu mereka!

maaf, saya rembat daripada album kat facebook.

happy birthday to you;
may Allah bless you, always
