Friday, January 21, 2011


owww, finally I found ya, beloved troublesome Mr. USB!! so now, I'm back to business :)

I've been wanting to write about this long time ago, and now is the revenge time XD

It was Thursday, last week, around 9.00p.m. , my brother was going to the night market, so I ordered a hamlet. It's a type of food, not the play written by the famous William Shakespeare. In order to convince and satisfy Mr. Muhammad Zharif, here you go the pictures, so trust me that I'm not lying that this food is finger licking, scrumptious, delicious!

[hee, just arrived]

okay, enough. that's all :)


Zharif Jasni said...

blh tahan leleh mcm roti john~~~sebijik kot~~

nadi said...

tak same la zharif oii