Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TOK Earth Week celebration day

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This poster explains today's entry.

For the first time ever, debating ! Although it's FUN DEBATE but we were using the parliament style.

After my beloved class monitor asked me to join this debate, I agreed. I should give a try since I always watch this during my high school years. And Malay debate was so dear to me, indirectly.

Being the Prime Minister of the government side, being the first speaker to speak out my points, I was quite nervous in the beginning. Especially when talking in front of boys. A lot of them. Not to forget those A-level boys. Thanks for coming and joining us there :) But alhamdulillah, I managed to overcome this "fear towards boys" sickness and kept on giving speech until the 4 minutes-time-given end.

The session was getting hotter and hotter when other speakers stood up and rebut, delivered their thoughts and opinion until the rolling up session. Ajik told me that usually the first or second speaker will do the roll up. This was the first time ever I heard that either Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister had to do this. Not the Minister of Defense. I was okay with that. Usually the opposition side has to roll up first but since this is fun debate, we decided which team to go first by 'o-som'. A traditional game. Hewhew. Too bad, I won that and the opposition side had to go first :3

The government side

The result for this debate is 


on next assembly

Our judges were the audience. They had the right to vote for best team and best speaker.

Seriously, the video and performance by RECYCLE BAND were great. Thumbs up! I really enjoyed myself.

Recycle Band. Picture credit to Ismail Musa.

Looking up for tomorrow's Bio debate. Oh, I'm not one of the participants for sure.

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