Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the hijacking

Hi there, yeah, all of you. I've been very busy lately, you know, travelling from Beranang to Seremban and then back to Beranang again. Well, what I could say is that, the journey is tiring, seriously.

I promised Zairi a long time ago, not really long time, but almost a month that I will write about us, hijacking his Facebook account during my birthday.

How it started? Hmm, this guy and our class president were pranking the whole class, and then, they forgot about their Facebook accounts which had been logged in - in the computer lab I mean. So, when they were busy talking to, uh, I forgot who, in front of the class, Mael hijacked their accounts and asked us - the girls to like the 'new status' and commented.

So, here's the poof ! 

 **Azim's deleted the prove on his FB wall**


Zairi's wall?

and I would like to highlight the numbers of LIKE there.

Okay that's all. Zairi, I already fulfilled my promise :)


zerry said...

haha..rmai kot org like..kire btol r tuh.. hehe

D-SIM said...

ahaha, bahaye gak prank prank nih.

nasib tak rajin log in kat laptop/computer lain selain sendiri punye :D

nadi said...

zerry : ye lah tu, semua like sebab Mael suruh ;p

D-sim: Samalah kita, tak berani nak meng-online kat tmpat lain selain laptop sendiri. Keselamatan lebih terjamin xD