Sunday, April 24, 2011

MARA interview

hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

enough with your hey, kiddo! *throwing a big pillow*

ouchhh!! fine fine. I stop I stop.

what cha writing for today?

see the title, may ya?

yes, baby yeahhhhhh...

I went to the MARA scholarship interview. Uhh, I think that we're among the first group of interview as it was Sunday.

so, here it went. This year format is not the same as the yearS back.It is a NEW format.

My my, how was it? Tell us pleaseee.

Calm down people. I AM going to tell ya :)

We've been exposed to MARA interview that was singular person per interview and two panels. Yet, during my session, we had been grouped into 8 people per group - just mix with other courses. They didn't care about what course you're taking at all. And there were 3 panels.

You will be asked to do a task in group - making a bridge from 1kg of spaghetti between a gap of 2 tables in 30mins. The bridge must be strong enough as they will put a 500g sardine on it for 1min.

Alhamdulillah, my group did it successfully :)

After that, you'll be seated according to number. You already got your own number before the interview started and mine was number 1 -_______-

Hence, I was the first person to be asked.

Interviewer: Choose a number from 1 to 8.

So, I selected number 6. And one of them asked the question that they had prepared - same to all groups that being interviewed on that day. The questions were all based on the task you've done before.

Then, after all of us being asked 1 question each, the other interviewer said, "That's all for your session, you may go now, thank you."

All of us were quite blur, HAHA, since only one question being asked for one person.

The interviewer explained to us why the format is changed. He said, "We knew that all of you already have your own script in mind. Every year, the students who came for the interview memorized the answers as they knew the questions to be asked. We want to know the extraordinary you." *smile*

The other one added, "So, your junior next year and the years coming can't predict what are their tasks and what they are going to be asked".

oh, I understand now. Yet, thank God that the format is changed since I don't have any script in my head, seriously:)


Fadh of MAC said...

same ngan aku pon. fikir point je utk ready.

tibe2 yg aku dpt soalan : What do you learn from the task? :)

alhamdulillah :)

Filza said...

what kind of question will they ask? does that mean each group will be given the same task nationwide?

nadi said...

fadh: soalan KBKK. senang, aku kenal factual. hahaha

filza: i think the questions are the same nationwide.

Fakrul Airul said...

huh!!! mcm2 la jnis interview,,,huh!!! so,the cnclusion is,, no need to prepare anything right??hahahha

Fakrul Airul said...

huh!!! mcm2 la jnis interview,,,huh!!! so,the cnclusion is,, no need to prepare anything right??hahahha

Dayana Z said...

i think the key is just be urself :D!

Anonymous said...

perlu fail sijil ke??

nadi said...

kitorg bawak fail sijil. tp bila nak masuk bilik interviw tu, kerani suruh tinggal fail kat luar. yelah, since nak kena bina jambatan kan :)

so, up to you la nak bawak ke tak. tapi for safety precaution, bawak je. kita x boleh nak predict org lain kan :D

anis said...

so diorg tak tanya any persoanl ques ke? I mean, project sama je eh?

nadi said...

nope. diorg dah ada script soalan. and project sama je. dah survey ngan kawan2 dr negeri lain :)