Saturday, November 9, 2013

Laziness strikes !

Assalamualaikum and hi :)

We're in the midst of examination. I know that I should be studying but I don't feel like doing so now, at least tonight. It's quarter to eleven and it's chilly outside. Unlike Malaysia, it's hard to predict the weather here unless you have the weather forecast application in you smart phone. Most of the time it is accurate. Most of the time.

Ahh, it was quite some time since I last wrote in English. I mean, here in this blog. If you would like to include my assignment(s), then the last time I wrote an English 'essay' was about two or three weeks ago. Can't really recall.

Why? The other day, my sister asked me what should she write for one-word-essay-question. If you ever sit for SPM, you should remember the triple-one-nine paper. Heh. Then I realize that it was few years back since I last wrote an essay triggered by a single, very simple word. Life was good back then. I mean, I can wrote anything I want, just give me a word. There will be one story followed by another. They just popped up easily in my mind. Most of the times, the stories were made up. Fiction. I would prefer to write a story rather than facts essay. I can made my own plot, characters, scene, bla bla bla. But that required a lot of vocabulary. Especially descriptive ones.

Getting older, somehow I didn't find the time to write or even sketch. Not to say drawing. Oh no, I'm bad at colouring. Don't ask me to. Drawing was my favourite past time and I think I still consider it as my hobby. But... Ahh, I'm giving too many reasons. I think it will be good if I can start drawing again. I mean, sketching. No, both. Well, photography is a good thing but nahh, I'm not so into it. I might take pictures but you know, that doesn't make me a photographer. I might draw, that doesn't make me an artist.

And recently, I feel the urge to go to UK. Maybe because a lot of my friends are there. Visiting them would be nice. However, a lot of money have to be invested. Ka-ching ! According to the FOREX, the value of pound is doubled the Australian Dollar. Right now. The value may appreciate or depreciate from time to time. There are few other countries that I would to visit but let me keep that for myself. Sometimes, there are things that should remain as secret.

Maybe next time, I'll share with ya what I gained from this land. I came here wasn't for free. Wasn't for just to attend the classes, enrolled in top university. The reason why the Government send students overseas is so that they could gain something new and bring it back to the country. Share the foreign knowledge with the people.

Sorry Malaysian citizens. I wasted my time on writing this rather than studying. I promise that tomorrow will be a new day to kick-start my revision. I mean, I did revise today. I just I don't feel like facing the lecture notes tonight. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I feel bad. I have to stop now and read one lecture note before going to bed. See ya !

p/s: please pray that I will be more hardworking in the future and let this lazy me vanish. Sobs.


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