Assalamualaikum and it's Friday today, people. Master of all days. Such a long time that I'm not visiting my own blog but other people's, yes I do. It's not that I'm really busy but my laptop was hospitalized and I was quite lazy to write any new entry here. Thanks to Haziq nii-chan.
I have been dreaming to further my study in Japan since I was 6 years old. But after receiving my SPM result, I decided to take Biotechnology instead of Engineering. I knew that I had to forget my dream studying in the land of sunrise.
While filling in the form for PILN, I aimed for United Kingdom (UK). But at that time, all of the applicants couldn't choose where they wanted to go, unlike this year kids. Lucky them. Why I want UK? I like the place of course. I mean, the buildings, places to visit, okay I am the type that love to explore the world :) Furthermore, Kak Shasha, whom I considered as my own big sister also studying there. She was my senior back in SSP. It's not my rezeki to study in UK, instead I got to choose either US/Aussie/NZ.
Bye Tower Bridge. Future husband, can we go here as well? :D |
And I am aiming for Australia !
Uuuu, Sydney Opera House. |
Maybe I can meet you too, Mr K <3 |
Currently Kak Shasha is in Malaysia, for her summer holiday and we chatted through Skype. And here a part of our conversation.
shasha shaharuddin: It feels so good to be back lah! I've been home sick for 7 months
Nadia Nain: I thought it's fun to live abroad?
shasha shaharuddin: Boleh lah. But I'm more of a family person. Tak de lah best sangat. I tak ramai kawan. Kalau belajar overseas, ramai yang terlampau lupa diri, or terlampau takut lupa diri sampai tak bercampur dengan locals or international students so buat apa government hantar jauh jauh? (and terlampau jadi kuat agama sampai jadi pelik lah. Tu pun tak boleh jugak kan?) Ilmu dimana mana sama je, up to you to take it in as much as possible. But the environment is priceless. That's another form of learning too. Susah nak cari orang yang balance where I study.. Maybe tempat lain ok kot.
Then I realize, maybe this is one of the reasons why Allah put me here, in KMS. Alhamdulilllah, thank you ya Allah. At least I get a chance to study abroad for my degree as compared to my friends who don't have the chance this time. Maybe some other time, they will. InsyaALLAH.